Rise Academies

Rise Academies

Take your founder journey to its fullest potential


Find your Rise Academy

Rise Start-Up Academy: Climate FinTech Edition

Rise Start-Up Academy: Climate FinTech Edition looks to support entrepreneurs bringing a Climate FinTech solution to market.  Here you’ll think about your entire business and all its moving parts, learn to pitch for funding, grow your customer base, and launch with confidence. Continue to refine your MVP, explore pricing, and develop an understanding of business model dynamics. This  Academy is built around a set schedule and key learning milestones. You’ll have access to a range of modules, a wealth of exclusive content, and a community of like-minded individuals with whom you can share challenges whilst you support each other. 

Rise Ideation Academy
From idea to action

You have an idea, but do you have the makings of a promising FinTech business?

Rise Ideation Academy leads you through the steps required to validate your thinking, helping you identify and test your 'customer need' so you can outline a clear business model. You'll get the training, tools and resources needed to transform your idea and validate your proposition. 

Rise Start-up Academy
From proposition to launch

You've tested your business idea and received positive signals from the market. Maybe you already have a customer. But this is just the start.

Rise Start-up Academy equips you with the skills and tools you'll need to get yourself truly fit for market. Here you'll think about your entire business and all its moving parts, learn to pitch for funding, grow your customer base, and launch with confidence. 

Rise Growth Academy
From Founder to CEO

Your business has demonstrated real traction and it's time to start scaliling. You're looking for support to transition from founder to CEO.

Rise Growth Academy helps you develop a high-growth mindset, through access to the network, expertise and tools you need to lead your business into a future of sustainable growth.

Flexible learning

24/7 access to your curriculum, weekly modules and bite-sized skill videos.


Live workshops, keeping yourself accountable by applying, testing and building on what you've learned.

Learn as a community

Build your network with like-minded individuals and share your experiences, challenges and opportunities. 

Rise Academy Alumni

"As a young fintech, we faced many challenges: developing a soild foundation, building our network, and securing funding. This programme has been instrumental in helping us overcome obstacles, achieve our buisness goals and take our business to the next level."

Ravi Ranjan, Founder of Volio

"Bouncing ideas off other founders, the Barclays and Rise teams, and specialised mentors have been invauable. The programme helped me grow personally and professionally. I have started transforming from founder to CEO."

Will Billingsley, CEO of ApTap

"The entire programme and all the events are very well curated. We have been provided with great resources and built very close relationships with other amazing founders in the cohort."

Yang Cheung, Co-founder of One Creation Corporartion